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三、RFID technology industrialization development


       RFID as one of the fastest developing high-tech in the 21st century, in the United States Department of Defense and business giant Wal-Mart and other enterprises actively promote the application of electronic tags (Radio Frequency Identification, Chinese translation for "Radio Frequency Identification technology") has been listed as one of the ten technology trends in this century.  

      This global application wave, but also led to a considerable number of Chinese enterprises timely follow up. According to authoritative estimates, China will need at least 3 billion electronic tags every year in the next 3 to 5 years. It is predicted that by 2010, the total market size of RFID cross-industry application will reach 29.837 billion YUAN, with a compound annual average growth rate of 82.4% from 2005 to 2010.

      China's RFID application market has entered the primary application stage after an introductory period. RFID applications in this stage are mainly low frequency and high frequency, with various and mature applications. Although uHF applications have higher commercial value, they are rarely used due to various reasons such as standards, technologies and prices, and almost all of them are small-scale pilot applications.

      The country has been promoting the application of RFID technology as an industrialization. Although some projects have been supported and relevant application effects have been achieved, the core chip technology products are mostly imported and the communication protocol standards are inconsistent, so the direction of RFID industrialization has not been found in China.

      The function of the standard is to promote the formation of the "best order", which can greatly promote the healthy development of an industry. The absence of the standard of electronic labels will certainly affect the further promotion and application of electronic labels in China. In 2007, the Ministry of Information Industry issued the "Notice on Issuing the Trial Provisions on the Application of radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in the 800/900mhz Band" (No [2007] No. 205), and determined the use of UHF band (840MHz ~ 845MHz, 920MHz ~ 925MHz) for RFID in China. It has laid a foundation for the future national RFID technology application and product industrialization.

      RFID standard system is mainly composed of air interface specification, physical characteristics, reader protocol, coding system, test specification, application specification, data management, information security and other standards.

As the application of electronic tags involves many industries, the related standards are very complicated. Specifically, the standards related to electronic tags involve electrical characteristics, communication frequency, data format and metadata, communication protocol, security, testing, application and so on. In terms of category, e-tag standards can be divided into the following four categories: technical standards (such as e-tag technology and IC card standards); Data content and coding standards (such as coding format, syntax standards, etc.); Performance and conformance standards (such as test specifications); Application standards (e.g. vehicle and shipping labels, product packaging standards, etc.).

In addition, China's RFID independent research and development ability is not very strong, many technologies are also introduced from abroad, although some domestic enterprises have developed RFID electronic tags and antennas, but a lot of RFID core hardware (chips and readers) and software technology is still dependent on imports. This requires our government to increase the development of RFID core technologies and products with independent property rights support. At the same time, the RFID application architecture, RFID system integration and middleware, RFID public service system, RFID testing technology and specifications and other key RFID application technologies are researched and solved, in order to form the supporting service system for the development of China's RFID technology.

      In addition, the development of national RFID market strategy and operation mode, the development of encouraging enterprises to participate in the formulation of standards and market operation mechanism, especially the automotive digital standard information source as national strategic resources for development, and the application of resources by the national unified organization of resource-based application planning.

三、RFID technology industrialization development
RFID as one of the fastest developing high-tech in the 21st century, in the United States Department of Defense and business giant Wal-Mart and other enterprises actively promote the application of e
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