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二、Demonstration application of "Standard Information source of Automobile Digitization" technology in Vehicle management of Shanghai World Expo


      Automobile digital standard information source technology is based on RFID development of car-related information resources application technology, the project is organized by the Ministry of Public Security research and development, by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China after the certification of the deployment in 2007 "National Science and Technology Support Plan" key special application demonstration project (project number: 2008BAF31B00). The project will install electronic license plates on all vehicles used in the Venue area of Shanghai World Expo, and implement automatic identification and intelligent management of vehicles in the area. In the application demonstration, the project demonstrates the application of the "car-related (driving-related) information public service platform" based on RFID technology and related technology research and development and standard formulation, and develops "car-related (driving-related) information resources" with independent intellectual property rights for the development of China's intelligent transportation.

The development and application of "vehicle-related information resources" is the key to realizing the informatization and modernization of road traffic management, and provides the data platform of vehicle information and application for vehicle-related management of intelligent transportation system. It can realize social service functions in the following fields:

1. Public security (14 items)

1) Electronic license plate function (electronic copy function of driving license) and electronic copy function of driving license lay the foundation of digital and intelligent traffic management;

2) Cooperate with traditional license plates to identify fake license plates (sets of vehicles);

3) Organizational function of regional traffic dynamic control;

4) The information collection and control (electronic fence) function of the city entrance and exit vehicle passage, the automatic control function of the security bayonet;

5) Focus on checking and controlling the whole process record and backtracking of regional operation status of vehicles;

6) Control function of speed limiting road sections;

7) The "spatio-temporal difference method" is adopted to realize the function of monitoring the whole road section of speeding illegal vehicles;

8) Regional road network traffic flow information query (accurate to vehicle type and model);

9) Digital road inspection;

10) Regional active and passive anti-theft function of vehicles;

11) Trace and verify the "hit-and-run vehicle" and the driver;

12) Restriction (charge) control function of urban congestion area and road section on time;

13) Cooperate with "electronic eye" system to identify and verify illegal drivers;

14) Digital means of traffic violation and punishment management.

2. Transportation (8 items)

1) Regional ETC function;

2) Freight vehicle administration management functions (regulation fee control, qualification control);

3) Passenger vehicle management functions (vehicle and driving qualification control, regulation and fee control, operation route control);

4) Bus route operation status management function (including electronic station reporting function);

5) Scheduling and management function of large passenger station;

6) Taxi qualification and operation area monitoring function;

7) Automatic collection and management of road maintenance fees and taxes;

8) Query the running situation of vehicles in sections and sections of the expressway network.

3. Urban construction (8 items)

1) Automatic charge monitoring and management function of car access control in parking lot and community;

2) Parking lot and community berth query and management functions;

3) Automatic management of access control and special passage vehicles of organs and warehouses;

4) Regional automatic, fast and real-time traffic survey function;

5) Quick query function of total regional vehicle distribution;

6) Automatic charge monitoring and management function of gas stations;

7) Automatic payment monitoring and management function of bus operation and consumption;

8) Active anti-theft function of vehicles in regional road network;

二、Demonstration application of "Standard Information source of Automobile Digitization" technology in Vehicle management of Shanghai World Expo
Automobile digital standard information source technology is based on RFID development of car-related information resources application technology,
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